Types technologies

Discover the experience of our blog and how it can help you with information from the Internet, in acquiring knowledge and consulting various sources; people or entities and questions.

Content: video; artificial intelligence, Referents Authors; artificial intelligence, Evolutions of this technology; articles, journals, organizations or books of artificial intelligence, Excel table of some frequently asked questions and answers. Types of technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Neural networks, Big Data, Machine Learning, Data Mining.

And also with this blog we have the interest of analyzing and grouping elements of technology 4.0 and related to industry 4.0. Basically, it refers to a new way of producing through disruptive technology. This is responsible for linking physical processes with digital tools that automate tasks and “live” data. And the expectation is to consult concepts, understand dynamics, manage and transmit the knowledge that will result with the step towards Industry 5.0 that seeks to increase the potential of this digital transformation and base it on a much more efficient and significant collaboration between humans and machines.

Table of some frequently asked questions and answers as : Artificial Intelligence Definition, Artificial Intelligence, artificial intelligence for business, artificial intelligence bootcamp, artificial intelligence and law, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, artificial intelligence healthcare, artificial intelligence vs machine learning, artificial intelligence regulation, artificial intelligence etf, what is IA?

neural networks a.i, neural networks and deep learning, neural networks explained, How leave one out cross validation works in neural network, What is a convulutional neural netwok?, What is a convulutional neural netwok?, good convolutional neural netwok design for image recognitio tasks, xor neural netwok architecture, what is neural work.

big data tools, big data analytics, big data technologies, big data platform, big data companies, big data certification, big data architecture, what is big data

machine learning engineer, machine learning vs ai, machine learning algorithms, machine learning models, machine learning courses, machine learning certification, machine learning vs deep learning, what is machine learning.

data mining techniques, Is data mining legal?, Which of the followings is a possible parameter of data mining, Which of the following forms of data mining assings records to one of a predefined set of classes?, what is data mining?

With the expectation that in this blog users will find useful answers according to the references and that they generate valuable knowledge.